I had read the post: To Anonymous-The Culture of Gods on Doing Magic ( http://doingmagick.blogspot.com/ ) and had thought to comment. Happily, though, Jow made many of my points for me. (who knew, prior to the internet that New Jersey could lay claim to the number of thinking magicians that we have?) So, if you haven't read Jows post, here is the link: http://jow-amagesblog.blogspot.com/
Gods are more that we, on this earth, on this plane can ever see, in their totality. That may be why the images of Gods and Goddesses undergo change over the millenia-they don't change, but maybe what humans can see or need to see, or are convinced to see, change.
I happen to disagree with the view of Tammuz/Damuzi as a God. Returning from the Underworld does not mean that you have achieved Godhood. In the case of Damuzi, he would not have left the land of Erishkigal without the help of his sister and the acquiescence of his wife. (of course, if he hadn't pissed off his wife in the first place, he wouldn't have needed help leaving the underworld...) But it may very well be that the victory over death and the ability to return from the underworld is a prerequisite of attaining Godhood.
But Jow is right about the hymns outlining the Courtship of Inanna and Damuzi-definitely material to work on with your loved one. Besides, I've yet to come across anything in the Homeric Hymns that come close to the lines where Inanna admires her own wondrous vulva.
(now why didn't I post some of that for Valentines Day?)
My Very Famous and Influential Cat
5 days ago