I am going to admit right now, that tomorrow, May Day, Beltane to so many, will see me dressed in, yes, RennFaire Garb. I might even grab a ribbon and dance at the May Pole, should ribbon and pole be available.
But you see, I will be at a RennFaire type event. I will be at the Hudson Valley MayFaire and Farmers Market. http://www.hudsonvalleymayfaire.com/
This is a fundraiser for the Queens Galley of the Hudson Valley, a not for profit organization that provides awareness, education, relief and prevention of food insecurity in America. The Queens Galley also runs a food pantry and soup kitchen, serving 3 meals a day to those who need it, any and every day of the year. http://www.queensgalley.org/
This doesn't negate anything that I might have said about my own observances because...(many of you know the chorus, right?) a Cross Quarter day happens on the astronomical midpoint between the Quarters. That happens May 5th this year. The night of May 4th, I shall light the fire. I will dance. I will feel the tides change and the magic swell.
Sometimes, its good to be pedantic. I get to have the public fun and silliness and the real stuff, too.
In Solidarity with Congressman Green
5 hours ago