Friday, November 6, 2009

15 degrees scorpio and a family story

Between the fact that it is now the Cross Quarter and I've spent some time remembering my beloved dead, and Jasons blog post: I thought I would tell this story-it is one of my favorites.

Some time ago, my Grandmother went to visit her mother. My Grandmother was in her 50's at the time, which meant that my Great Grandmother was in her late 70's or early 80's (My Great-Grandparents stayed in their own house until they were in their mid 90's). My Great-Grandmother was on her hands and knees, in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor.

My Grandmother exclaimed "Ma! What are you doing?"

My Great-Grandmother: "Tomorrow is Yontif, I'm cleaning." (yontif is yiddish for holyday)

My Grandmother: "But, Ma! You don't believe!"

My Great-Grandmother: "What has that got to do with it?"


Bridgett said...

Ha! Love it!

Anonymous said...

After all, religion is doing, not believing ;-)

Alexis Kennedy said...

Lol, perfect!

Autumn said...

LOL! Your great-grandmother sounds like a fun lady!

Anonymous said...
