I am about to leave for a few days in Boston, doing a Mother Job. I may or may not have to time blog (I have left notes, should I get to it), isn't that what Starbucks is for? It certainly isn't for the coffee! Anyway, Jason suggested http://strategicsorcery.blogspot.com/2010/06/more-book-games.html creating a list of the next 5 books on the To Read pile.
So here they are, in no particular order:
Magic, Science and Religion, by Bronislaw Malinowski
Reading the OED, by Ammon Shea
The World Is Not Enough, By Zoe Oldenbourg
The Encyclopedia of Spirits, by Judika Illes
The Snouters, Form and Life of the Rhinogrades, by Harald Stumpke
(I am currently reading Whisper of Stone, by Tess Dawson)
I will bring the Malinowski book and the most recent copy of Vogue Magazine with me, as they take up the least amount of space and weigh the least of the items on this list.